
Instagram: @koichi1717
Photographer, art director, editor.
Engaged in marketing promotions for various companies and editing design magazines, where he deepened his relationship with photography. His life work is to convey the fun of mobile photography by sending his own photos mainly on SNS such as Instagram and actively interacting with photographers in Japan and overseas.

Instagram: @abu888
commercial photographer.
Entered the world of advertising photography in 1990. Experienced three studios as a cameraman, and became independent (st.abu) in 2003. Active in a wide range of fields such as fashion and food. In 2012, he discovered Instagram and enjoys mobile photography. Also, once a month, the Tenma Photography Club ( @temma_photography_club ) holds a photo session.

Instagram: @ima_ju
Enjoy photography as one of the sustainable activities. While viewing photography as a train window of life (a never-ending one) and cultivating an observational eye in the dizzying pace of life, I strongly hope that the act of taking photographs and photography itself will induce creativity in other fields.

Instagram: @chilo
I started taking pictures after encountering Instagram.
In 2013, I met Mr. Koichi and woke up to photography using iPhone. I take pictures of the nature of my hometown and neighboring prefectures with my friends who are connected on Instagram with my iPhone, and I send out that I can take beautiful pictures even with my iPhone.

Instagram: @harutin2
He became interested in photography when he started using Instagram in 2014 and fell in love with mobile devices that allow him to easily shoot, edit and share. Through Instagram, he learned the joy of photo shoots and photo sharing, and continues to be fascinated by the fun of evolving mobile devices.
I would like to spread the possibilities and enjoyment of mobile photography.

Instagram: @sugar25
Quarter born in Taiwan. Lived in Tokyo since the age of 10.
Started photography after a trip to the Northern Lights in 2007.
Using digital, film, mobile, etc. depending on the scene and place at the time, each characteristic is transmitted through photography.

Instagram: @tak_tag
Producer, Creative Director, Designer.
In addition to shooting with an iPhone, he also shoots with a variety of cameras, from film cameras to drones, exploring new ways of expression. Founder of Hueart ( ), a community for enjoying photography.