OPF series comparison and 7 ways to use it [2021 Summer].
The OPF series are filters for camera lenses that vary not only under specific conditions, such as backlighting, but also under various other circumstances, such as the amount of light, the angle of incidence of light, and the color of the subject.
The following is a summary of the differences between the OPF 480-L, OPF 550-L, and OPF 650-L filters and the key points of expression in each situation, including the most obvious effects of backlighting, situations with differences between light and dark, daytime with strong sunlight, and situations where there is no light source within the angle of view.
- 1. Communicate the sensation of glare and other sensations you felt on the spot.
- 2. OPF adds more impact to photos with light and dark areas.
- 3. Add a film-like feel to your photos by reducing blown-out images when shooting during the day when the sun is strong.
- 4. OPF adds seasonal color to scenes where there is no light source within the angle of view.
- 5. Add depth and impression to dark photos with little color that cannot be reproduced by digital processing.
- 6. Expressions that make good use of flare and ghosting.
- 7. Layered use of OPF for more individuality.
1. Communicate the sensation of glare and other sensations you felt on the spot.

* In this image, the border in the center can be moved left or right.

When I started developing OPF, the first thing I thought about was, "What is an emotional photograph? When I started developing OPF, my first thought was "What is an emotional photograph? Thanks to the high performance of digital cameras and smartphones, it has become possible to take beautiful photos with ease, but on the other hand, I think there is a point where the emotional part of a photo is lost because it is reproduced too faithfully. The effect of OPF is to compensate for this.
In a backlit scene where the sunrise or sunset is shining, the OPF will show a diffusion of light from the light source outward, as if to express the glare felt on the spot. This is expressed through the dispersion of light by special glass and OPF's unique coating that controls the wavelength of specific light.
OPF 480-LやOPF550-Lは光の中の青みが強調されることで爽やかさを演出し、OPF 650-Lは赤や黄色みを強調することで暖かさを演出します。
2. 明暗差のある写真によりインパクトを加えるOPFの演出

OPF 480-Lは青みが強調されつつ光の輪郭にオレンジが加わることで朝の爽やかさと朝日の眩しさを演出し、OPF 550-Lは青みに加えて全体に黄色も加わる事で全体の深みを出します。OPF 650-Lはさりげない赤みが加わることで暖かさや懐かしさを演出します。
3. 日差しの強い日中の撮影で白飛びを抑えフィルム写真のような雰囲気を加える

4. 画角内に光源のないシーンでも季節を感じる色味を加えるOPF

OPF 480-Lは青みと光源のオレンジ、OPF 550-Lは青や黄色、OPF 650-Lは黄色や赤を強調し色彩豊かな日本の四季を際立たせます。
5. 色味の少ない暗めな写真にデジタル処理では再現できない深みと印象と加える

この写真は早朝に朝日を背にし撮影しています。逆光シーンでの効果が目立つOPFですが、このようなシーンでもOPF 480-Lは空の光に青い輪郭のような色を加え、OPF 550-Lは緑の葉を強調し、OPF 650-Lは光に黄色みを加え光の暖かさを演出します。
6. フレア・ゴーストを上手に活かした表現

詳しくは『OPFのゴースト・フレア 使いこなし術』をご覧ください。